

La Universidad de Oviedo lidera un proyecto europeo para poner en marcha un ‘Erasmus virtual'

Researchers from Spanish, English, Turkish and Lithuanian centers will meet in Asturias starting on Monday to establish the bases for the UbiCamp...

El director general del CERN ofrecerá una conferencia el 27 de febrero en el Paraninfo de la Universidad de Oviedo

Rolf Heuer, whose visit to Asturias has been organized by the Principality, will give a conference at 12:00 on the 'CERN: Global science with an...

Informe de la Comisión de Expertos para la Reforma del Sistema Universitario Español

The document includes proposals for the selection of the staff, quality, studies, government and financing.

Toma de posesión de cargos universitarios en el Paraninfo del Edificio Histórico

A total of 23 Professors, 25 Associate Professors, 29 Directors of Departments, 10 Deans and Directors of Centers and 3 Directors of University...