La Universidad de Oviedo y la Politécnica de Silesia ponen en marcha un doble título de máster
5 July 2012The students who attend the postgraduate course of Safety Risk Management will be double graduates from the academic institution and the Polish centre
The group of High-Energy Physics takes part in one of the experiments which have led to this important discovery, presented today by the CERN
111 alumnos participan en los Campus Científicos de Verano en la Universidad de Oviedo
2 July 2012The Campus of International Excellence collaborates with the program, promoted by the FECYT together with other 15 Spanish universities
La Universidad de Oviedo incorpora la realidad aumentada a su Edificio Histórico
2 July 2012This new technology through QR codes provides visitors with complete technical information and high-quality, 3D images of the university heritage.