

Abierta la matrícula para iniciar estudios sin límite de acceso y continuar estudios de grado y de 1º y 2º ciclo

Students may formalize their enrolment in Undergraduate Degrees via the online platform until 2:00 PM on August 30

La Universidad de Oviedo inaugura los IV Campus Científicos de Verano

More than a hundred youths from all the autonomous communities will participate in the program of the Asturian academic institution

Un estudio plantea nuevos modelos para optimizar la práctica deportiva y combatir el sedentarismo

The research, in which 3,000 youths have participated, reveals that the self-imposed motivation for physical activity increases fair play and...

Nueva convocatoria regional de ayudas predoctorales del programa Severo Ochoa

The period for requesting the necessary documentation that proves the admission into a PhD Program closes on July 4. Students may apply for a grant...