

Acto de apertura del curso académico 2013-2014

La lección inaugural estará a cargo del catedrático Alfonso Fernández Canteli

El CEI programa cursos cero de inglés para el alumnado de grados bilingües

The goal is to make students able to successfully follow the subjects taught in English. The application for the program may be done alongside the...

Publicada la 5ª adjudicación de plazas para el acceso a estudios con límite

Students have to enrol via Internet between August 22 to 27 at 2 PM. The next lists will be published on August 29.

La Universidad de Oviedo organiza una muestra sobre la evolución de la Informática

The exhibition, which will be open until September 13th, has been curated in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the School of Computer Science...