Starting tonight at 22:00, and until 3:00 in the morning on Friday, all the online services of the corporative website will be unavailable. Landline phone services will also be interrupted at the university premises.
The University of Oviedo informs its users that its communication services will be interrupted today, Thursday, starting at 22:00, until 3:00 in the morning of tomorrow, Friday. This interruption of the online services of the University is due to a scheduled maintenance of the electronic components of the server room of the Severo Ochoa Building, in the Campus of "El Cristo". The Office of the Vice-Rector for Campuses, IT and Infrastructures estimates that the cut-off will take around five hours to complete.
The interruption will affect all the electronic services of the Asturian academic institution, such as, for example, the corporative website, the e-mail service, the Virtual Campus, and also the landline phone services. Any user who may need to use these electronic services (accessing the Virtual Campus or their e-mail accounts, check deadlines, enter a pre-registration or any other procedure) are advised to do so before today, Thursday, at 22:00, or after the cut-off has finished. The landline phone services and access to the Internet will also be interrupted in all of the university premises.