The international committee includes 'Ad Futurmun' project among the five ones with 'a good progress', ahead of universities located in Catalonia and Madrid
The University of Oviedo has renewed its Campus of International Excellence hallmark after the first assessment executed by the International Committee and it has been placed in the first places among those Spanish universities which achieved this hallmark in 2009. "Ad Futurum" enters into the leading group composed by five projects which have been rated as projects in "good progress".
The Asturian academic institution shares this mention with the following projects: Campus Carlos III (Carlos III University), UAM+CSIC Campus of International Excellence (Autonomous University of Madrid and Higher Council of Scientific Researches), Cantabria International Campus (University of Cantabria and Menéndez Pelayo International University) and Campus Vida (University of Santiago de Compostela.
Important universities such as the University of Barcelona, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Complutense University, Polytechnic University of Madrid and the aggregation of Andalusian universities in the Food Processing Campus of Excellence, led by the University of Cordoba has been exceeded by the University of Oviedo.
The rector, Vicente Gotor and vice-rector for the Campus of International Excellence, Mª Paz Suárez Rendueles, have presented the assessment results today, after having defended the project last Thursday in Madrid. The rector showed his satisfaction with the result obtained and he stressed that "we have done a lot with very little".
The International Committee has appreciated the actions done by the Asturian Campus in the last two years, and specially the reorganization process of centres, which has been reported as example of good practices in the University Strategy 2015 assessment document as well as the Asturian academic institution's internationalization.
The vice-rector for the Campus of International Excellence has qualified "the fact that a small university like ours can be ahead of Universities from Catalonia and Madrid is an important success". The University of Oviedo, as Suárez Rendueles has pointed out, has made a great effort in these two years and "we have reached the top group".
From now, the Asturian academic institution will keep on working so that the University of Oviedo can be one of the universities which can preserve its excellence hallmark in 2015. At that date, the Ministry of Education has planned to establish the Campus of Excellence's final map which will be composed by ten regional projects and another ten in a global scope.
"Ad Futurum" project was awarded as Campus of International Excellence in November of 2009. From that moment, the University of Oviedo has performed most of the actions included in that project and it has also achieved most of the indicators set for 2012. The implementation of the International Graduate Centre, with the renewal of the university master's degree; an ambitious policy of internationalization, the implementation of ten bilingual degrees and the increasing in students and teachers' mobility; the development of the Clusters of Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Biomedicine and Health; as well as the performance of a plan of infrastructures which stresses the creation of social learning spaces and the campuses' sustainability are some of the axis which have been specially emphasized.