

Thirty students from High School have begun the 'Ad Futurum' Summer Scientific Campus

The University of Oviedo has inaugurated the second turn of this summer initiative which is trying to boost young people's interest in science, technology and innovation.

The University of Oviedo has just received the second turn of teenagers who are participating in its Summer Scientific Campuses. The rector, Vicente Gotor, and the vice-rector for the Campus of International Excellence, Paz Suárez Rendueles, have welcomed thirty young students from the first course of High School, who, during the next two weeks, will be approached the world of science by some teachers of the University of Oviedo and Secondary High Schools of the Principality.

These students, who come from different autonomous regions, have passed a hard selection process. The rector and the vice-rector for the Campus of International Excellence have encouraged them to take advantage of this experience, which may help them when choosing a university degree in an immediate future.

Four projects to approach science

Young students will enjoy scientific research through their active participation in two of the four projects which have specially been designed for these scientific campuses:

  • Man and land: School of Geology
  • Scientific basis of criminal investigations
  • Electronic engineering in everyday life
  • The cells' language

Each project is composed by four development stages which consist on lectures and theoretical lessons, fieldworks and/or lab works, techniques for the communication and dissemination of science, final presentation and exhibition of results, and complementary cultural, scientific and leisure activities.

On Friday, 15th of July, students from these campuses' first turn: 30 students of 4th course in Compulsory Secondary Education, which came from diverse regions, presented their works as finishing touch of their participation in the "Ad Futurum" scientific campus.

‘Ad Futurum', a highly demanded campus

Summer Scientific Campuses are a Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and Ministry of Education's initiative supported by the Social Work of "La Caixa". In this second edition, the programme received more than 7.200 application forms to cover 1.200 places in the 20 Campuses of International Excellence spread around Spain. Ad Futurum project, from the University of Oviedo's Campus of International Excellence, has been one of the most requested campuses. 3.177 students competed for one of the 60 posts offered in Asturias. Each student could tick a maximum number of five Campus of Excellence, which means that more than 44% of teenagers chose the Asturian Campus among their options, according to the details provided by the FECYT.