

'University and Disability. Advancing towards inclusion' Conferences. (Universidad y Discapacidad. Avanzando en la inclusión)

They will begin on the 11th of April in the Assembly Hall of the Historical Building in order to strengthen the university commitment with the equality of opportunities.

The vice-rector's office for Students and Employment has organized the lectures "University and Disability. Advancing towards inclusion". There will be two sessions (on the 11th and the 12th of April from 16:30 to 20:00), with its sights set on promoting equal opportunities and full insertion of people with any kind of disability in university life. Various lines of work will be analyzed in order to reinforce the integration and accessibility in different spheres of the Asturian society.

Vicente Gotor, rector of the University of Oviedo, will attend the opening of these conferences accompanied by the Regional Minister of Social Welfare and Housing of the Principality of Asturias, Naomi Martín. In the diverse sessions of work, heads of institutions and entities related to the care for disabilities will participate offering very varied perspectives.
