The academic institution shows a Harald Shmitt's photographer about everyday's life in East Germany.
The University of Oviedo invites you to rediscover the German Democratic Republic (GDR) through an exhibition, a cinema cycle and a dozen of short films. The vice-rector's office for University Extension, Culture and Sports will present this exhibition called "The happy world of the dictatorship? Political power and everyday's life in the GDR" at the exhibitions' room of the Historical Building. This is a complete radiography in pictures about East Germany which will be completed from the 15th of September with a cinema cycle named "Across the Wall". The presentation event was attended by the Vice-rector for University Extension, Vicente Domínguez and with the coordinator's exhibition, Anna Pelka.
The exhibition, funded by the Foundation for the Dictatorship's Study of SED and the Stern magazine, proposes a journey in time with Harald Schmitt, who was Sternen's correspondent for many years, and the historian Stefan Wolle, born in Halle del Saale. The exhibition will remain opened to the audience from the 5th to the 25th of September.
As a complement, in this same exhibitions' room, a selection of experimental and cartoon short films will be screened under the following title: "Short in films in the GDR. State production and independence". Among other film jewels, audience will see "Ent-oderweder" (One or Another), by Bruno Böttge; Sirenen (the Mermaids) and Kontraste (Contrasts) by Klaus Georgi; and other proposals by independent authors.
The "Across the wall" cinema cycle from the GDR, is a fascinating cinema exhibition which was made and consumed within the GDR and which also came from the DEFA Studios, the great state production industry (Deutsche Film-Aktiengesellschaft). It will start on the 15th of September with the first film performed in the occupied Germany after the World War II (Die Mörder sind unter uns) (The killers are among us).
For a whole month, Cajastur's Assembly Hall will screen diverse films every Thursday at 20:00 in Oviedo. These movies will try to offer a panoramic vision about everyday's life in GDR, both referring to the historical context and to the moment's aesthetics, something which is definitely necessary to understand different directors' plays such as Gerhard Klein, Lothar Warneke or Egon Günther, and with so varied themes as the condemnation of Nazism and the need to prosecute war criminals, the individual oppression, the political and social conformism or women's emancipation. This cycle, sponsored by Cajastur and Goethe Institut, will be closed on the 20th of October with last film produced the the DEFA after the Wall's fall, immediately before of the political reunification (Die Architekten) (The Architechts).
A look over the GDR opens this year's University Extension's offer which is still loyal to the spirit of approaching the best culture to Asturian society.