

The 76% of the students have passed the Entrance Tests to University

This result supports the decision to change the extraordinary call exams to July.

The 76,09% of the students who have made the Entrance Tests to University (PAU) in July have passed. This percentage is almost eight points higher than the one which was registered in the last September (68, 41%), the last time in which the second annual call was held after August. The result supports, according to the organizational committee of PAU in Asturias, the decision to put the extraordinary call of the exams in July and it ratifies that "it has not affected the Asturian students' possibilities".

From the 937 students who have executed PAU exams in July, 713 have been rated suitable to begin High Education studies. Last year, in September, from the 804 who did the tests, just 550 passed. The average mark has been a 5,221, while the highest mark is more than 8, 7. 746 students did the general function exams, 48 only the specific phase and 191 did both of them.
The subject with the highest percentage of passes have been Biology in the specific phase, with a 86,84%, while the subject with less passes has been Chemistry in the general function, just with the 40% of passes. Both subjects also registered the highest and the lowest mark: Biology (6, 86) and Chemistry (4, 36). From the 12th of the July, the registration period will be opened for all the students.