

The University will support small Asturian enterprises in internationalization processes

A team of 28 students will advice Asturian microSMEs and will study their potential international expansion.

The University of Oviedo will launch a plan to promote entrepreneurial culture and to back Asturian small companies in their internationalization processes. The "University Coaching for the implementation of ICTs in international entrepreneurial processes of Asturian microSMEs" project (ESTINCOACHING) has been approved in the Emprendemos Juntos call of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and presented this morning by the rector, Vicente Gotor; the vice-rector for Students, Luis Rodríguez Muñiz; and the head of the Employability Area, Guillermo Pérez-Bustamante.

This project aims to increase graduates and students' abilities and skills so that they can deal with entrepreneurial activities, in this case, with a strong internationalized perspective. After a brief training period in some areas linked with foreign trade management and commercialization through the use of website which will take place from October to November, 28 students will carry out a teamwork activity to back the internationalization of Asturian microSMEs which produce high added valued products throughout advisory processes.

This initiative of the Employability Area for the Vice-rector's office for Students and Employment means an approaching from the University of Oviedo to the Asturian micro business tissue through this institution's support to identify its international potential expansion as well as backing companies through web marketing.

The project meets this double perspective of stimulating entrepreneurial culture and employability and, at the same time, internationalization, all of them, fundamental axes of the Campus of International Excellence.

The overall budget of the programme is 65.875 Euros, of which 60% have been provided by the Ministry and the other 40% for the programme's execution have been supplied by the University of Oviedo. The participation request for this programme, both for students and companies, can be formalized via the following website www.uniovi.net/empleabilidad