

The University of Oviedo has transformed the Historical Building into a great Cultural Centre

LAUDEO (La Antigua Universidad de Oviedo/ The Old University of Oviedo) will count with a programme based on the scientific and cultural dissemination created at the academic institution.

The University of Oviedo has taken a definitive step in the reorientation of its University Extension with the creation of a great cultural centre in its Historical Building, its most emblematic building in the city centre. The Old University of Oviedo (LAUDEO) will be the emblem which will group the entire university cultural programme.

The rector, Vicente Gotor and the vice-rector for University Extension, Vicente Domínguez, have presented the project this morning, which will be boosted with the own academic institution's resources and which aims to "exemplify our commitment with society, throughout knowledge and creation", according to the rector's words.

The name of LAUDEO has been created and donated to the University by Fernando Beltrán, poet, driver of the Aula de las Metáforas (The metaphors' Hall) and "namer" of national prestige. During this project's presentation, Beltrán himself explained the origin of this name. He worked with more than 400 words until he found LAUDEO, which comes from Latin; a "short and strong" name, ended with the "O" of Oviedo as well as of "orb, as a wakeup call about the world, about everything that is global".

LAUDEO's head office will be located at the Historical Building of the Univesity, which will also contribute to add value to the academic institution's heritage. This centre's main purpose is to show and involve society into the creation which is created within all the spheres of University, in a privileged framework as the Historical Building is.

This project will begin with the organized events, in collaboration with the Príncipe of Asturias Foundation, designed for the awarding week of the prizes. The activities that will be performed symbolize, in some way, the centre's objective: art, science and music.

  • The "Transacciones. España en la historia de la Royal Society" exhibition will meet more than one hundred original pieces with great historical and scientific value. It is curated by Armando Menéndez del Viso, teacher of the Philosophy's department of the University of Oviedo. Place: Library of the University. Timetable: Mondays- Saturdays, from 9,00h to 21,00h. Sundays from 9,00h to 15, 00.

  • Scientific breakfasts with the winners of the Príncipe de Asturias Prizes. These are closed-door meetings with researchers and experts both belonging to the University of Oviedo and national Universities:
    • Wednesday, 19th of October (Scientific and Technical Research): Giacomo Rizzolatti (University Chapel) and Arturo Álvarez-Buylla (Auditorium).
    • Thursday, 20th of October (Social Sciences): Howard Gardner (University Chapel)

  • First we take Milán.The Campus of el Milán and the musical explosion of the nineties.concert. Homage to Leonard Cohen by the artists that revolutionised the musical scene of those years. Thursday, 20th of October, at 21:30h in the Auditorium.
    Hosted by Mar Álvarez (Pauline en la Playa), the concert will count with Nacho Vegas, Xabel Vegas, Montse Álvarez, Roberto Nicieza, José Luis García, Fany Álvarez, Fernando Marín, Igor Paskual, Alicia Álvarez, Chus Neira and David Guardado. They will be accompanied by a band specifically chosen for this occasion: David Casillas (contrabass), Eva Díaz (drums), Jacobo de Miguel (keyboards), David Varela (accordion) and Ana Fernández (violin). They all have been part of the 90's musical scene in Asturias, in different groups such as Manta Ray, Nosoträsh, Australian Blonde, Undershakers, Stormy Mondays o Babylon Chat.

LAUDEO will promote diverse thematic Halls, some of them have already been launched: debate classrooms, pop-rock music, poetry, narrative, opera, theatre and the "Group of Oviedo" Iberoamerican Music Hall. As Vicente Domínguez explained, "LAUDEO brand will be seen in every corner of Asturias". He has supported a "lively and helpful to collaborate with other institutions" cultural centre.

In addition, the project satisfies the intention of recuperating the initial spirit of University Extension, which began at the Historical Building of the University of Oviedo, when the 24th of November of 1898, the first course of University Extension ever, entitled "Leyendas de la Historia de España" (Legends of the Spanish History) was taught by Rafael Altamira.