

The University of Oviedo has been given two prizes in the National Awards of University Edition

It has been awarded in the areas of the best Monograph in Sciences of Health and the best joint edition in a university leading article.

The University of Oviedo has obtained two prizes in the XIV call of the National Awards of University Edition, recently voted in Madrid.

104 articles could have been chosen for being the best 10 books edited by Spanish Universities. The University of Oviedo has been awarded for the best Monograph in the fields of Sciences of Health and the best co-edition with a university leading role, specifically the co-edition of a work with the CSIC.

The monograph which won the first prize is entitled Historia de las enfermedades infecciosas (History of infectious diseases). The jury has stressed "its social interest when linking a quite significant medical topic with societies and the historical moment in which it is developed. It has specially underlined "the documentary richness which is the result of a long and deep historical work of research".

The prize to the best joint edition is entitled Fuentes para el estudio de la música popular asturiana (Resources for the study of Asturian popular music) which, according to the jury, means a "recovery and compilation effort of a musical culture which is about to extinct". "The deep research work and the documentary wealth that has been provided by the work as well as the great quality of the edition" have also been emphasised.