Results are organized in three modules which ease the selection of results to users.
The Innovation Centre of the University of Oviedo (C1NN) has implemented an improvement in the search results for UniOvi's website. The results are now organized in three different modules: those referred to permanent institutional information, those about news and finally those related to other interesting information connected to the search.
The first module comprises the entries that refer to permanent contents in the website, institutional information about the University, Governing Bodies and Administration as well as its faculties, schools, departments, services, educational offer...
The second module contains all the references of the search associated to contents of news and current affairs which appear in UniOvi's website.
The last group includes other interesting information related to the search such as administrative resolutions, reports, agreements, regulations and campaigns also published in the website.
This new organization aims to improve the readability of the search results so that web users can find the information they need easier. In each section, the browser will keep on offering the most important results, according with the terms introduced, in an automatic way.