

The Campus of el Milán will homage Cohen in an exhibition and a poetry reading

The winner of the Príncipe de Asturias Prize of Letters will inaugurate on the 20th of October, at 12:30h, the 'Cohen: La Cara B. Dibujos y grabados de un artista multidisclipinar' (Cohen. The B side. Drawings and engravings of a multidisciplinary artist) exhibition in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.

Famous poet, singer song-writer and novelist, Leonard Cohen is a versatile artist who has expressed his particular view of places, people and things over canvas and paper for the last 40 years. The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters from the Campus of Humanities is showing a good example of his visual artist's facet. Cohen himself will inaugurate tomorrow, 20th of October, at 12:30h, the "Leonard Cohen. La Cara B. Dibujos y grabados de un artista multidisclipinar" (Cohen. The B side. Drawings and engravings of a multidisciplinary artist). This exhibition can be visited until the 13th of November in the Aulario A's hall of this Campus.

The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters has been deeply involved in the organization of this exhibition, one of the main events that will take place during the Príncipe de Asturias Prizes' week, in collaboration with the Foundation that gives the awards and the Vice-rector's office for University Extension, Culture and Sports. Leonard Cohen will inaugurate this exhibition about his graphical work; will sign in the Faculty's Honour Book and will present a commemorative plaque to remember his stay at the university campus.

The exhibition includes about thirty works, some of them included in a book of poems and illustrations entitled "Book of longin", which is about determined places and moments in Cohen's life. The inauguration of this exhibition in the Campus of el Milán is one of the few events in which the Canadian artist will take place before receiving the Príncipe the Asturias Prize of Letters in the Campoamor Theatre this Friday, 21st of October.

Poetry Reading

The exhibition won't be the only tribute to Leonard Cohen at el Milán. At 11:00h, the Auditorium of Humanities will host the "Viajar a Ciegas" (Travelling blindly) poetical reading, with two main protagonists; the poets Niall Binns and Fernando Beltrán. This event is organized by the Vice-rector's office of University Extension, Culture and Sports and the Aula de las Metáforas Foundation.

Niall Binns, poet and essayist, teacher of the Philology at the Complutense University. Born in London, from Scottish parents, in 1965, Niall Binns studied at the University of Oxford, Santiago de Chile and Madrid as well as having lived in Paris and Coimbra. He is author, among other many works, of the Antología de Voluntarios con gafas. Escritores extranjeros en la Guerra Civil (Anthology of Volunteers with glasses. Foreign writers in the Civil War) published in 2009. He also has managed a research Project about the Spanish Civil War in the South America's intellectual life.

Fernando Beltrán Fernando Beltrán was born in Oviedo (Asturias) in 1956. Besides being poet, he is teacher o the European Institute of Design and founder of a creative study called "El Nombre de las Cosas". His full poetical work has been collected in the «El Hombre de la Calle» (Man of the street) anthology and he has recently published Donde nadie me llama (Where nobody calls me). The creation of el Aula de las Metáforas, a library specialized in poetry, is due to his initiative.