

The Social Council approves the 2012 Budget for the University of Oviedo

The University organ has approved the budget for this year, which amounts to 211,502,750 euros, with no votes against

The Social Council of the University of Oviedo has approved the 2012 university budget in a plenary held on the 14th February. The university organ, composed by representatives form the Government of the Principality of Asturias and the Asturian society, ratified the budged, which amounts to 211,502,750 euros, a figure which implies a decrease of 2,98% with respect to the 2011 fiscal year and which was approved by the University Governing Council on the 29th December 2011.

The Council plenary approved the project presented by the rector's office with no votes against. This decrease on the budget is due to the hard economic situation which urges taking cost-cutting measures in order to adapt itself to the budget cuts, which it expects to recover through the 2012 fiscal year.

In these hard times and in the drafting of this Budget, it has been made a great effort to efficiently allocate our economic resources. One of the main objectives is to accurately cover estimated labor expenses through the 2012 fiscal year. For this, is has been necessary to make a significant effort to restrain the spending, basically in terms of current expenditure, which affects the other budget sections.