

The Universities Forum will elect its next coordinator in Oviedo

The meeting will take place next Friday and includes the course: 'Introduction to the Management of Innovation based on the Innovation Reference Framework'

The Universities Forum of the Club for Excellence Management is meeting next Friday, 17th february, in Oviedo, with the election process of the new coordinator as one of the most important points in the encounter. The opening of this session, which will be held at the Historic Building's Great Hall, will be on the rector's account, Vicente Gotor, who will be accompanied by the vice-rector for Teaching Staff, Departments and Centres, Julio Antonio González. Ignacio Ruiz, manager of Development of the Club for Excellence Management, and José Luis Martínez, the current coordinator of the forum, will be with them.

During the session, they will let everyone know about some experiences in quality management; The Workteam for International Accreditation and the 2012 Strategic Plan for universitities will be presented; before the election of the following coordinator, they will also present the 2011 plan results report.

As a preamble to the meeting, and wihouth any cost for the members of the Forum, next Thursday, 16th February, Manuel del Castillo Barrios, Technical Engineer in Telecommunication by the University of Las Palmas, will teach the course " Introduction to the Management of Innovation based on the Innovation Reference Framework"

The Universities Forum brings representatives from the University Members of the Club for Excellence Management together, with the main objective of interchanging experiences in management improvement, for which they meet twice a year.