

The University of Oviedo incorporates a new service for checking the PAU results on mobile devices

Apart from the traditional consultation on the web, an application for Android and Blackberry systems makes it possible to check them on tablets and mobile phones

The IT Service has developed an application which will allow students to check the PAU results via mobile devices with Android and Blackberry operating systems. This service complements the traditional consultation on the web.

For users with devices using the Android operating system, the installation of the application can be made two ways:

  • Accessing Google Play ( Google applications for Android) and searching "Calificaciones Uniovi". The installation can be made as usual on the mobile device itself or on a computer.
  • Using the link of UniOvi's website, which offers at the same time two ways of installing it: through a código QRor clicking the download link.

As regards Blackberry devices, its installation can me made with the second option (link QR code).

Once the application has been downloaded and installed, it works similarly to the results access on the web, where students must insert their user and password.

This initiative, promoted by the Vice-rector's Office for IT, speeds up and makes the consultation of marks easier, at the same time that boosts the range of computer services the University of Oviedo offers via frequently used cutting edge technology, which is proggressively used in more sectors.