

Homage to Professor Fermín Gómez Beltrán in Zaragoza

The Rector of the University of Oviedo and the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry attend the tribute to the Professor, who passed away last month of December

Colleagues and friends of the Professor Emeritus of the University of Oviedo, Fermín Gómez Beltrán, who died last month of December, pay tribute to him today in the University of Zaragoza. The Asturian academic institution will be represented by some partners and disciples of the Professor of Physical Chemistry, led by the Rector, Vicente Gotor, and the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, José Manuel Fernández Colinas.

The homage has been organised by the Faculty of Science of the University of Zaragoza, where Fermín Gómez Beltrán was trained and started his teaching. The Rectors of the University of Oviedo and Zaragoza, Vicente Gotor and Manuel López respectively; the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Zaragoza, Ana Isabel Elduque, and partners, disciples and relatives such as Luis A. Oro, Antonio Valero, Armando Roy, Beatriz Gómez, Domingo González and Luis J. Boya will participate in the ceremony.

Professor of Physical Chemistry, Gómez Beltrán belonged to what is known in the University of Oviedo as the Aragon Group, a large and brilliant group of researchers that gave birth to the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Oviedo and contributed to placing it among the centres of national reference.
