

José Arnáez, rector of the University of La Rioja, assumes the presidency of the Group of Universities G 9

The group of rectors is elaborating a document to set a common position concerning the new model of university entrance examinations

José Arnáez Vadillo, rector of the University of  La Rioja (UR), has assumed the six-month presidency of the Group of Universities G 9 (G-9) in the General Assembly of Rectors held in the UR, where they have dealt with matters like the admission to undergraduate studies, the Royal Decree 3+2 or the replacement rate.
As regards admission to undergraduate studies, the rector of the University of La Rioja has stated the G-9 group is working together to make "the Baccalaureate final average grade (the so called "reválida") the point of reference" to access university, just as the PAU/Selectividad is nowadays.
The objective, José Arnáez Vadillo has stated, is to "avoid new examinations" taken by students, as the LOMCE establishes, for the year 2017-2018, the end of the University Entrance Examination- selectividad-, and allows Universities to implement their own entrance examinations. 
The document that the G9 is elaborating establishes that the students willing to undertake studies at any of the different 9 campuses, they could do so with their Baccalaureate final grade, with a maximum of 10 points; the other 4 points would be considered in each case, depending on the specific courses completed in Baccalaureate and the specific degree they would like to undertake. 
As for the Royal Decree that establishes the new regulation for official university studies and allows academic centers to offer, voluntarily, 3-4 year degrees and 1-2 year masters' degrees (known as Decree 3+2), the rector of the University of La Rioja has reminded that the position of the G9 is "in line with that of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE)" thus calling for a moratorium on this decree.
José Arnáez Vadillo has pointed out that that this moratorium will let us "think about how the model 4+1 has worked out and the possible consequences of the model 3+2", and avoid differences in the university system, that is, avoid offering the same degree to be completed in 3 years, or in 4 in other universities".
Finally, concerning the replacement rate, which initially allowed replacing only 10% of the retired staff- and which this year 2015 has increased to 50% - "is still insufficient and it hinders the establishment of young researchers at Universities ". This is why José Arnáez Vadillo, rector of the UR, has claimed that in a positive economic situation, the replacement rate should be "extended or just disappear ".
III PhD Thesis Award on Cooperation 
During the meeting held at the University of La Rioja, Álvaro Fernández-Baldor Martínez was awarded with the III PhD Thesis Award on Cooperation Development of the Group of Universities G9.
Álvaro Fernández-Baldor Martínez, winner of the III edition of this award, holds a PhD in Agro-Food Economics and Environment, with Extraordinary Doctorate Award, by the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2013), where he is currently working as a Higher Technician in the Area of Cooperation Development.
He is the author of the PhD thesis Technologies for Freedom: an approach to technology-based cooperation projects from the Capability Approach, which has been chosen by the Evaluating Commission due to its scientific quality. 
The G9 Group of Universities (G-9) is an association of Spanish universities which are the only public universities in their respective Autonomous Communities: University of Cantabria, University of Castilla-La Mancha, University of Extremadura, Universitat de les Illes Balears, University of La Rioja, University of Oviedo, University of Basque Country, Public University of Navarra and University of Zaragoza.