The Sectorial Committee of Students of the Group, which met this week at the University of Oviedo, will propose that Degrees with unlimited offer become free of the specific Access examination
The G-9 aims at establishing a set of common criteria on the Access and Admission to the university starting in 2017, and to take this proposal to the core of the University Network of Students' Affairs (RUNAE) as a framework document, as shown during the meeting that took place in Oviedo. The ideas that will be contained in this document include that each Degree without access restrictions, in terms of offer, becomes free from the specific Access examination.
Furthermore, there will be an evaluation of the subjects of the Baccalaureate that are related to the Degree that the student wants to access, and students coming from Professional Education will be encouraged to take the examination, as well as those who come from education centers that do not offer the subjects deemed absolutely necessary for the Degree in particular.
Moreover, the Universities of the Group 9 of Universities approved in their meeting in Oviedo the Regulations of the 7th League of Inter-University Debate of the G-9, which will take place in 2015 in Zaragoza.