

The Ángel González Chair organizes a tribute concert with the musical adaptation of eight poems

The University of Oviedo, with the collaboration of the Council of Culture, promotes the performance entitled 'Entre el amor y la sombra', with musicians Pablo Moro, Alfredo González, Álvaro Bárcena and Alejandro Blanco, and writer Pablo Texón

"Entre el amor y la sombra/ me debato: último yo/… Este mi cuerpo de ayer/ Sobreviviendo de hoy". These lines were the closure to the tribute concert for poet Ángel González that took place at the Theater of the Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura. Musicians Pablo Moro, Alfredo González, Álvaro Bárcena y Alejandro Blanco and writer Pablo Texón have given a new voice to the author of Áspero mundo by turning eight of his poems into songs. The concert, organized by the Ángel González Chair of the University of Oviedo, had the collaboration of the Council of Education, Culture and Sports, and will be performed again at Oviedo, Llanes and Navia, with free entry for the public.

The performance entitled Entre el amor y la sombra offers a selection of poems adapted for the ocassion. Pablo Moro (guitar and vocals) y Alfredo González (piano and vocals) were in charge of composing the arrangements of the songs, accompanied on stage by Álvaro Bárcena (guitar, mandoline, Steel pedal and backing vocals) and Alejandro Blanco (drums and backing vocals). The poetic reading of Pablo Texón as an introduction of each musical piece, and the projection of images of Ángel González on the background complete this tribute that received the full support of the audience during its first staging.

A total of eight poems have been turned into songs: for sung by the voice of Pablo Moro, and four others by Alfredo González, who worked on the selection composed by Elegido por aclamación, Entonces, Luna de abajo, No creo en la eternidad, Voz que soledad sonando, Alga quisiera ser, Final and Trabajé el aire.

The audiences may enjoy this performance again on October 9 in Llanes, on October 16 in Oviedo and on October 23 in Navia.