

The CERN hosts the first edition of its Spring Campus at the University of Oviedo

A total of 80 students will participate in the event that will gather in Gijón experts from the European Laboratory of Physics of Elementary Particles in disciplines as diverse as computer security or project management

The European Laboratory of Physics of Elementary Particles (CERN) will host the first edition of its Spring Campus at the University of Oviedo starting on Monday, April 14, until Wednesday, April 16. Throughout these three days, specialists in different disciplines from the international organism will share their experiences and knowledge with 80 students. Among other participants, the Spring Campus will feature Derek Mathieson, in charge of the Advanced Computer Systems of the CERN, and Lluis Miralles Verge, director of General Services.

The meeting will be a chance for students to get to know first hand how work unfolds in a top-level scientific organism in which researchers from more than 100 countries collaborate. The Group of Experimental Physics of High Energies of the University of Oviedo is one of the coordinators of the CMS experiment that is taking place at the large collider constructed at the central site of the CERN in Geneva.

For three days, the students will be able to listen to and debate with the experts that work in different fields inside the CERN. Information technology, computer security, project management or the techniques needed to carry out a work interview in an organism such as this one are some of the aspects that the program will touch upon.

The Spring Campus is an initiative framed as part of the activities of scientific and cultural dissemination of the CERN and this is the first time that it takes place in Spain. The meeting aims at being a multicultural forum in which experts from all around the world may meet those who will be the researchers of the future. The CERN, alongside Peter Higgs and François Englert, was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Scientific and Technical Research in 2013.