

The Government of Brazil selects the University of Oviedo for its Science without Borders program

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation will fund Undergraduate and Postgraduate stays in 22 Spanish institutions with proven excellency

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil has selected the University of Oviero as one of the 22 Spanish centers to be a destination for students and researchers as part of its program "Science without Borders".

The Brazilian government selects higher education institutions that have a proven academic excellence and provides students and teachers with a grant to complete and improve their formation in them.

This program seeks to promote the consolidation, expansion and internationalization of Brazilian science and technology, of innovation and of its competitiveness through the academic exchange and international mobility. 75,000 grants are expected to be given during four years, 10,000 of which will be devoted to Undergraduate, Postgraduate and research stays in Spain.

The University of Oviedo offers a total of 188 places in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degrees as part of the Science without Borders program.