The norms, backed up by the Student Regulations, aim at promoting student life inside the academic institution and protecting and recognizing student associations
The University of Oviedo has approved its first Regulations for Student University Associations. The Vice-Rector for Students, Luís J. Rodríguez, and the director of Social Activities, Marta Pérez Toral, met this morning the representatives from the student associations to show them the new regulations and explain them the process that they have to follow to register in and take advantage from these new laws.
The Office of the Vice-Rector for Students had been in contact with the spokepeople of the different student associations that were called to this morning's meeting: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Student Branch), Association of Medicine Students of Asturias (IFMSA), OVIMUN (Association of Law Students), PUMUO (University for Elder People) and the University student music group.
The text has been created in collaboration with the student associations and is backed up by the Student Regulations. Its main objective is to promote student life through associations and help those that had been officially registered by the University.
Current associations have four months, starting last April 4, to present the required documentation at any of the official registries of the Unviersity. They have to be non-profit associations focused on any kind of social activity, abide by the Regulations of the University of Oviedo and have at least 60% of their memebers currently enrolled in the academic institution.
Newly-registered associations may benefit from financial aid, and may have a corporative e-mail address and a a physical workspace, as long as there is free space available. Moreover, students who prove that they belong to these groups may have up to six credits recognized in Undergraduate Degrees.