

Two students of the University of Oviedo win the first prize at the Meeting of Olympians of Biology

This is the third consecutive year that students from the Asturian academic institution are recognized with the award in this national contest

The scientific poster titled Creación de una célula bacteriana: síntesis del primer genoma completo, by Bruno Rodríguez Meana and Laura González Mantecón, students of the second year of the Degrees in Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Oviedo, respectively, has been awarded at the 4th Scientific Meeting of Olympians of Biology (ECOEB), that took place at the University of Zaragoza between March 28 and 30, coinciding with the 9th Spanish Olympiad of Biology. 50 students from 19 Spanish universities participated in said meeting. The award includes attending the 37th Congress of the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, which will take place during September in Granada.

En el Encuentro Científico de Olímpicos de Biología, participantes de anteriores ediciones de la Olimpiada presentan y defienden una comunicación oral o un póster de investigación ante sus compañeros y los delegados de la Olimpiada de las diferentes comunidades autónomas. Este es el tercer año consecutivo que estudiantes de la Universidad de Oviedo son reconocidos con el premio de este certamen. El año anterior lo recibieron Pablo Álvarez Ballesteros, Ana Sofía Álvarez Quintana y Helena Fernández Rodríguez (Facultad de Medicina); y el anterior, Víctor Fanjul Hevia (Facultad de Biología), por sus trabajos dirigidos respectivamente por el laboratorio de Carlos López-Otín (Universidad de Oviedo) y el de Sandra McAllister (Universidad de Harvard). In the Scientific Meeting of Olympians of Biology, participants from previous editions of the Olympiad present and defend an oral communication or a research poster before their colleagues and the delegates of the Olympiad from the different autonomous communities. This is the third consecutive year that students from the University of Oviedo are awarded with the prize in this contest. Last year, the award fell on Pablo Álvarez Ballesteros, Ana Sofía Álvarez Quintana and Helena Fernández Rodríguez (Faculty of Medicine), and the previous year, Víctor Fanjul Hevia (Faculty of Biology), for their works directed, respectively, by the laboratory of Carlos López-Otín (University of Oviedo) and the laboratory of Sandra McAllister (Harvard University).