
Prueba de acceso a la Universidad (EBAU)

University Entrance Examination (EBAU)

The University Entrance Examination (EBAU) organised by the University of Oviedo and the educational administration of the Principality of Asturias has the acronym EBAU.

The test will consist of two phases, one compulsory for university access called the access phase and one voluntary phase called the admission phase.

For the access phase, the tests will deal with the general subjects of the block of core subjects taken in the second year of the Bachillerato modality chosen for the test.

For the admission phase, students who wish to improve their marks may sit the exams on optional subjects from the block of core subjects in the second year, which may or may not have been taken. Likewise, students may also take an examination in the admission phase of the general subjects of the block of second-year core subjects of modality not enrolled in the access phase, as detailed in the attached table of subjects.

The first foreign language exercise must refer to the language that the student has studied in the second year of the Baccalaureate as a first foreign language and will not contain an assessment of oral expression or comprehension.

The access phase consists of four subjects; given that all of them are considered compulsory, if the student does not take the exam in any subject, he/she will be considered to have dropped out of the exams.

To improve the admission mark (admission phase), a minimum of one up to a maximum of four subjects may be enrolled. Students who do not sit the exam for any of the subjects enrolled in the admission phase will be considered to have failed the corresponding subject and will be graded only for the subject or subjects for which they sit the exam.

Students from foreign education systems

Vice-Rector's Office for Students Access Unit

  • Address: Calle González Besada nº 13 de Oviedo
  • Telephone number: 985 10 41 15
  • E-mail: selectividad@uniovi.es​​​​​​​



Fechas y Horarios




  • Orden PCM/63/2023, de 25 de enero, por la que se determinan las características, el diseño y el contenido de la evaluación de Bachillerato para el acceso a la universidad, y las fechas máximas de realización y de resolución de los procedimientos de revisión de las calificaciones obtenidas, en el curso 2022-2023.
  • Ley Orgánica 3/2020, de 29 de diciembre, por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación
  • Decreto 68/2018, de 14 de noviembre, por el que se crea la Comisión organizadora de la evaluación de bachillerato para el acceso a la Universidad y se regula su funcionamiento.
  • Real Decreto 310/2016, de 29 de julio, por el que se regulan las evaluaciones finales de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y de Bachillerato
  • RD 412/2014, de 6 de junio, por el que se establece la normativa básica de los procedimientos de admisión a las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales de Grado (BOE 7-6-2014)

Enrolment of free students through the Vice-rectorate for Students

Those who have finished their studies in previous years and/or want to improve the qualification obtained in the ordinary exams can register for the exams on their own as free students at the Access Unit of the Vice-rectorate for Students, C/ González Besada, nº 13 - Ground Floor, 33007 Oviedo.

The grade obtained in the new call will be taken into consideration, as long as it is higher than the previous one. To improve the mark obtained in the access phase, the interested parties must take the four subjects that make up the exam, not being able to do so in individual subjects. In order to improve their marks in the subjects of the admission phase, they may take the subjects of the phase they wish to take.


Enrolment must be done in person, after making an appointment at: https://ssweb.seap.minhap.es/icpplus/citar?org=UOVI

From among the available areas you must select STUDENT MANAGEMENT; then you will have to select UNIT OF ACCESS - ENROLMENT IN UNIVERSITY ACCESS EXAMS.


  • Application form duly completed (DinA3 or DinA4 format, available on the web).
  • Photocopy of your ID card or passport.
  • Academic certificate from the centre where you have completed your studies, showing: the marks of the subjects and the average mark of the Baccalaureate or CFGS and the date of application for the degree.
  • In the case of having the benefits of a large family, a certified photocopy of the card (in force); otherwise, a certificate issued by the Regional Ministry of Education stating that they meet the requirements.
  • Persons with specific educational needs (SEN) or specific educational support needs (SEN), who request adaptation of the test, will be subject to the adaptations made during the previous educational stage. They must provide the psycho-pedagogical report from the centre's guidance team and, if applicable, the condition of disability by providing the certificate, report or assessment procedure carried out by the competent body of the Autonomous Community.
  • Those who are beneficiaries of the minimum living income benefit, or the basic social salary must accredit this condition by means of any document of probative value admitted in law.

Once the above documentation has been submitted, you will be provided with a letter of payment with which to pay the corresponding fees. Once this has been validated by the bank indicated, a copy must be submitted for inclusion in the registration form. You can also make the payment through a cash machine (the details that appear on the payment letter will be included: reference number, amount, etc.), or by telematic payment (some banks allow this option through their website, which will be similar to the cash machine payment).